Mulching grass clippings back into your lawn is an efficient way to maintain a healthy and lush green space. This not only saves time and reduces waste but also enriches the soil with essential nutrients. Leaving the clippings on the grass, which helps maintain soil moisture.
What does mulching do for your yard?
Grass that's discharged from a lawn mower with regular cutting blades are still just grass clippings. Mulched grass clippings are the product of specially designed cutting blades and a mower deck baffle system that cuts and recuts grass clippings into super-fine, tiny, highly decomposable grass clipping particles. These aren’t bagged. They fall to the lawn where they decompose and do several amazing things to make your yard grow thick and green.
Mulch is Grass Feed
Much of your lawn feed is already within the grass itself. When the grass is mulched into tiny clippings, microorganisms living on the soil bed break down the mulch and release those nutrients back into the soil, feeding the lawn and making it grow. Creating an ecosystem for those microorganisms helps to fight off lawn disease and mold.
According to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension:
“It can be beneficial to mulch or recycle turfgrass clippings generated from mowing. Turfgrass clippings are usually between 2 and 4 percent nitrogen and—when recycled—can reduce the need for supplemental nitrogen fertilizers by up to half.”
It's a question we all face when mowing: Should I bag my clippings or leave them on the lawn? In most cases, the answer is easy: Leave the clippings on the lawn! Plus leaving the clippings is a lot easier than bagging grass.
Remove Weeds
Try to remove any persistant weeds such as Poa Annua, or dandelions from the lawn before mowing and mulching, as the mower blades are likely to spread them widely encouraging the plant spread. The active use of Pre-Emergent weed control is also very effective in preventing the germination of weed seed.
If your goal is a nice lawn, leave clippings on the grass when you mow. If you plan to leave the clippings, mow the lawn often.
Benefits of Mulching in Lawn Care:
Incorporating mulching into your lawn care routine not only benefits your lawn but also contributes to a more sustainable environment.
Saving time!
Mulching the grass clippings saves time especially if you have a large lawn. Bagging clippings causes repeated stops to empty the bag and load the clippings and haul them out to the curb.
Ready to take the next step in eco-friendly lawn care? Start mulching your grass clippings today and experience the difference in your lawn's health and vitality. Share your mulching journey with us, and let's grow greener together!
And there you have it! Turning grass clippings into mulch is a simple yet powerful way to boost your lawn's health, save water, and contribute to a greener planet.
So why not start mulching today? It’s an easy way to take care of your lawn and the environment. Let’s make your lawn the best on the block!