Today We Are Trimming Back Ornamental Grasses in North Texas
such as maiden grass, pampas grass, muhly grass. There's a lot of different kinds of grasses that we have out there.
Hey guys, how you doing?
Landscape Bed Maintenance and Spring Cleanups are here.
Lewisville, Flower Mound, and Highland Village Lawn Care Service.
So now's the time where you want to really trim those bushes back and get rid of all the stuff that was where you show that nice yellow dormant grass.
It looks good in the Winter time, you got to have something out there, right? But in the Spring time, you want to make sure you trim that stuff back, so when the green stuff starts coming in, you can see down in here there's some starting to turn green. Different types of grasses turn green at different temperatures. But, you want to get rid of all that dead stuff so that when it starts to turn green again, it has a fighting chance.
And you know, there's some big grasses like pampas grasses. If you don't maintain them properly, the center of that grass is going to start to die out. And you'll see people, they'll have to start dividing their pampas grasses, and it just looks really ugly if you don't maintain those properties. So, now's the time, go ahead, start trimming back your grasses. Get ready for spring cleanups.
If you don't want to fool with it, simply let us know and we can get it all taken care of for you quick.
Call 214-317-8301
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