Commercial Landscaping Renovation DFW – Shrub Removal, Mulch, Metal Edging
Hey, if you’re looking for a commercial company to come out there and do a renovation for you because of that winter freeze, you still have a bunch of those shrubs out there that are just looking ugly, the city’s looking at you kind of sideways, and you’re thinking we need to get rid of a whole bunch of shrubs, a whole bunch of metal edging, remulch everything.
Getting the Parking Lot Back in Shape
We’re out here at Walmart today in Grapevine. We’ve done quite a few of these little Walmarts here where they just have a lot of this winter freeze going on in these shrubs. What we do is we come out here with these bobcats and a nice, awesome team of ruffians, all in uniform of course, and we come out here and we remove shrubs. We make this place look clean, look at freshening it up, and we work as fast as possible because we know you want your parking lot to get back to normal and your customers to start seeing something nice and beautiful instead of a bunch of daggone trees that are just torched.
Have this long row of Elaeagnus mixed with poison ivy, poison oak, and it looks kind of green from this parking lot side, but the opposite side of this hedgerow faces the service road of the highway, and that’s all the poison ivy right there. And all this is all stinking dead. I don’t know if this is also what they want removed. It is visible from the parking lot over here, the dead side of it.
This wall, we’re going to have to do this little manual stuff to get these root balls out, but it’s pretty much got them all out now. So this place looks like it’s ready for flowers almost. Nice and clean all the way down. Ready for some mulch.
Spending Extra Time on Fence Lines
So anyways, looking good. A lot of man hours on these fence lines. These fence signs always take a lot of extra time because we get all these trees that’ll wind themselves and grow through these chain links, and that’s just nothing you can do, is just throw a lopper on it and just a manual work over here to make sure we get all these little pieces, this kind of stuff right here. Missed one. So all that kind of stuff grows through the fence and we got to get the lopper out and knock those things off. But this whole thing was just, you couldn’t see through this fence. It was just completely filled, but now we got plenty of clean, awesome soil. We’re getting ready to throw down some mulch over here and it’s going to be ready to rock and roll.
Just about every commercial parking lot across the North DFW area has been affected by these dead shrubs from the winter freeze, and if you want to get on the schedule to get your place taken care of, give us a call 214-317-8301.