Since you need to cut back on your water usage in Flower Mound, Highland Village and Lewisville, Texas this summer, it’s imperative that you practice smart lawn management. And sharp mower blades matter in water-restricted areas to keep your lawn healthy and alive.
Dull mower blades tear at your turfgrass leaving it susceptible to disease and insect infestations. Additionally, dull mower blades increase water loss from each individual grass blade—transforming your green lawn into a lawn with brown, ragged grass tips.
At Main Street Mowing, your Lewisville lawn service, we regularly sharpen our mower blades to insure a good clean cut every time we mow your lawn. A nice, clean cut keeps your lawn grass healthy and looking green despite water restrictions.
Not only do we keep our mower blades sharp, but as your Lewisville lawn service, we practice other healthy lawn management practices, such as
- Mowing high – We take only a third of the grass blade off each time we mow because this will encourage your grass to grow a deep root system to survive during our water restrictions and hot summer months. To achieve this height, we set our mowers to 2 ½” to 3”. Weeds thrive in open sunny areas—and a healthy lawn limits the amount of sun that reaches the soil for weeds to germinate.
- Frequent mowing – We’ll mow your Flower Mound, Highland Village or Lewisville lawn every week, if need be, to manage your turf from getting too long.
- Leave behind the grass clippings – Did you know that you can add 25–50% more nitrogen into your lawn when you leave your spent grass clippings on it after each mow? At Main Street Mowing, we use mulching mowers that will turn your mowed grass into mulch to be quickly dissolved into the soil.
We’re not just a Lewisville lawn service. We also serve property owners in Flower Mound and Highland Village too. If you need professional lawn mowing services, call us today at 214-317-8301 or chat with us, Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sources: “Lawn Weed Control,” (page 3).
Ibid. “Tips for a Healthy Beautiful Lawn,”
Fort Worth “Managing Lawn Problems in Texas,”