There are seven military bases in Texas between the Dallas/Ft. Worth area down to San Antonio. And with seven bases spread throughout the middle part of the state, there are a lot of military families who could use a helping hand.
Military spouses, typically the wife, need to hold down the fort when her husband is suddenly deployed without any notice.
Thus, she becomes the mother, father, and property manager, among many other roles too numerous to mention. She may have a job outside the home too. She’s tired because she’s stretched so thin with the many responsibilities she must assume while her husband is gone up to a year or more.
And the idea of having to mow the lawn on a weekly basis may be pushed to the back burner. There are more important responsibilities that need to be prioritized and lawn mowing isn’t one of them.
The military family’s children may be too young to help with weekly mowing. Matter of fact, she may have her hands full just managing a baby and toddlers or shuttling school age children to their various activities. And her parents may live across the state, so they can’t help her with her daily duties.
Conversely, when a spouse returns home on leave, he doesn’t want to spend the precious little time he has with his family mowing the lawn. Instead, he packs up his wife and kids to get away from Texas, military bases, and heavy responsibilities. He wants to spend quality time with his family, including his extended ones that may live out of state or across the country.
And the last thing he wants to worry about while he’s home on leave is mowing the lawn—every week.
Do you want to help a military family that may be living in Flower Mound, Highland, or Lewisville? You can this summer.
To help celebrate Memorial Day 2015, you can partner with Project Evergreen and Main Street Mowing , a Highland Village lawn mowing company, to nominate a military family to get free lawn mowing service for as long as the spouse is deployed.
Main Street Mowing is veteran-owned and a proud supporter of the U.S. military. I know what it’s like to be deployed and my wife having to pick up my home maintenance duties as well as her own. Together, you and I can take some stress off the spouse still at home by providing free Highland Village lawn mowing services for a year or more.
You can pass on this opportunity to other people to nominate their favorite military family by sharing this blog on your social media pages, liking this post, and by commenting below.
If you have a military family that you’d like to nominate, please use this link to protect the family’s privacy.
Do you live in Flower Mound, Highland Village or Lewisville? Do you need a mowing service to cut your yard on a weekly basis? If so, call us at 214-317-8301 or chat with us Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at